
Some say, that knowing the people you work with is the key to a long and peaceful life. Here goes the little I remember.


Born in Bratislava, Slovakia, Orwel’s time. Raised in a concrete epoch, next to the “Iron courtain” which I witnessed go down.


Schools. Electrical engineering, graduated in Audio / Video, yet no university degree holder. Moved from Slovakia, traveled most of the western world, Asia, Latin America. Places I have not been to include Azerbaijan, Central and Eastern Russia, China (HK doesn’t count) and Pakistan.


Staying in Europe, Czech. Family, kids, house in the middle of nowhere, working contracts remotely.

Professional since 2005

  • GC systems

    • – a technical trainer. Mostly IBM trainees, AIX/Unix, network basics
  • Acision

    • – yet again, technical trainer to travel most of the world. Business Intelligence software, datamining, OLAP, Blades hardware and Storage technologies
  • SpotOn

    • – founder, Audio / Video assignments mostly. Panoramic and multigigapixel photography. Minor web projects.
  • AT&T

    • – Storage administrator, fiber channel guru, automation evangelist and entertainer
  • SpotOn @

    • – revived SpotOn to serve customers, consult, repair and engineer whatever there is about storage.
  • SpotOn

    • – sidejobs still include photography, videography and trainings
    • – occasional alternative and historical photography workshops